The betrayal, adultery - Messages from the Word of God Evangelical


Before you begin reading this article think: maybe you know someone who is living in a situation of adultery and you always wondered: What could you do to help this person? Do what must be done! Save many lives from the hands of the destruction of the enemy: Send this text to that person.

Proverbs 5: 30-20

For the lips of a strange woman drip honey, and her mouth is smoother than oil. But her end is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword.

Her feet go down to death, and her steps are impregnated from hell. For not ponder the path of life, their wanderings are wanderers: never know them.

Now then, children, give ear to me, and not depart from the words of my mouth.

Far from it thy way, and not nigh the door of her house: Lest thou give thine honor to others, and give not thy cruel years of life: That does not cloy your effort to strangers, and all the fruit of your labor will end up in someone else's house, and in the end thou mayest moan in consuming itself from your flesh and your body. And then say, How I hated the fix! and my heart despised reproof! And have not obeyed the voice of my teachers, nor inclined my teachers to my ear! In the midst of the congregation and the congregation was that I was in almost all evil.

Drink water from your source, and running from your well. They would pour your sources on the outside, the streets and the rivers of water? Let them be yours alone, and not strangers with thee.

Blessed be thy fountain, and rejoice with the wife of your youth. As a loving hind and a graceful doe, you satiate your breasts all the time, and you may be attracted by your love forever.

And why, my son, you are attracted to another woman, and I embrace the bosom of a stranger?

Proverbs 5: 30-20


Do a favor for you! Read the word up at least twice more at least.

You know how stubborn you know? We have to hit enough to see if you can open a small space to try to put there the wonderful Word of God. Either way is much better to receive a few pats to accept the teachings of God wants to take the blows of life much worse. That is precisely what our Father wants to avoid. He does not want you or your family suffer. He loves you! It's that simple.

While we're living, breathing and walking, at any moment we will be enchanted by someone of the opposite sex. Sometimes we will enchant us with a look or a smile, with a shapely body, with her voice, her personality, the charisma, with sympathy, with the power, actually, with something we call attention and generally is something we admire in others and not have it in us. Life is like that! God through this wonderful word is warning us about the dangers and deadly sure of extramarital affairs and adultery.

If you made a commitment to someone, if you married in the church, if you made a commitment before God and the community, so be strong! Be a woman! Be real man! And honor your commitment to God and go to the end.

Of course it is not easy! His wife is serving! Of course it is! You are too. Both are exactly the right dose for each. By chance there is something that drowsiness in this life, or cane syrup is a snap, you've seen the work it takes to make one.

Some people live with their heads in the world of fairy tales and think there are going to find the prince or princes Ada lives. What you will find it is a beast. This beast is very brave and she is thirsty for blood and destruction spread:

"Be sober, be vigilant. Your adversary the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour "- 1 Peter 5:8

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy: I came that they may have life in abundance. - John 10:10

That's right! He wants to take you and if you do not open their eyes and not out of this relationship of destruction and death, he will destroy you!

God in His Word warns us of the dangers of the transgression of his commandments:

Do not commit adultery! You shall not covet your neighbor's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is thy neighbor! - Exodus 20:14 and 17

If you still dating, it's bride or groom does not apply to you. Especially since, you still should not have an intimate relationship with your partner. If everything is wrong. For your own sake and for the good of the relationship, this kind of situation should be over because it's fornication and it also does not please God.


"Be ashamed of fornication before thy father and thy mother: and lie before the ruling and powerful." Ecclesiastical 41.21

"But of those who believed from among the Gentiles, we wrote, ordering them to refrain from what is sacrificed to idols, from blood, strangled and fornication." Acts 21.25

"But the body is not for fornication but for the Lord and the Lord for the body." 1 Corinthians 6.13 - "Know ye not that your bodies are members of Christ? (V.15)

"Flee fornication. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but the unclean sins against his own body. " 1 Corinthians 6.18.

"Know ye not that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who dwells in you, whom you have received from God and that, therefore, no longer your own? You were bought at a great price. Therefore honor God with your body "(v. 19-20).

"Neither we yield to fornication, as some of them surrendered in order to perish ..." 1 Cor 10.8.

"I fear that I come among you even God will humble me about you, and you have to cry for many of those who sinned and did penance impurity, fornication, and committing dissolution." 2 Corinthians 12.21

"Now the works of the flesh are obvious: fornication, impurity and debauchery." Galatians 5.19

"As for fornication, uncleanness, in any form or greed, or that it shall be mentioned among you, as becometh saints." Ephesians 5.3

I think these passages speak for themselves and can not be undone.

Jesus Christ said:

"Who hears you, hears me, and whoever rejects you, rejects me, and whoever rejects me rejects him who sent me" Luke 10:16.

So my friend, my friend, stop this relationship of destruction and death and return to your home. Go back to your family, go back to his wife and children. If you go back and cling to the Lord Jesus it will make your house a home blessed and prosperous. Of course it will have problems! We all have. Just do not have problems on dead people.

With Jesus Christ your life will be full and abundant. Reread the text - Proverbs 5: 30-20






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