How to get rid of depression - gospel messages of God's Word

How to get rid of depression? How to get rid of depression? How to get rid of pain?

We say that you are depressed when a certain person has a frame and deep sadness that lasts for a long time. Usually this state is characterized by a strong discouragement, anxiety, feelings of loss, depreciation, hopelessness and pessimism in the face of high life.

Somewhat disappointed and sad part of all our lives. However, when a state of sadness or disappointment persists for a long time and becomes deeper and deeper it is not just normal and dramatically affecting the lives of people in this situation. Those who feel this kind of feeling people are very unhappy, have high depression and very little will to live.

How to get rid of depression? How to get rid of depression?

Look what God's Word says:

7 The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. Psalm 19:7

If the law of the Lord is perfect converting the soul, then we read, meditate and search to see if it found a clue that might lead to resolution of depression.

We can not fail to consider that depression can be caused by bereavement or a disorder of organic origin (any health problem - in this case is the doctor who can tell). If the sadness is caused by grief, after a while it will slowly be eliminated and life slowly returns to its normal course. If the depression is of spiritual origin it will be persistent and difficult to solve by human science.
The person must make an analysis of your life and see if the life she has led is in accordance with the laws of God. This can be a great indication of where you can be the source of the problem.
Let's review:
These are the commandments of our God of Love - Exodus 20

1 - Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

Are we not putting something in place of God. Who knows a person, our love, our hope, our joy, a job, a material, the career or maybe even an addiction. When we put something in place of our God and creator of this thing we are doing our god, and anything that is put in the place of God will bring to our lives only sadness and frustration, because only our Almighty God who can be in give true happiness.
If because of any other situation. We should not lose more time. We must put the Lord Jesus Christ as the focus and main goal of our lives. By doing this we can see our God of love make a remarkable transformation in our lives, for where God, the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit of God dwell evil can not stand.
Thus, we must not lose more time with philosophies and things that only make us away from our God. Today, we open the doors of our lives and our hearts to the Lord Jesus Christ makes here a place of freedom, truth and much happiness.
2 - Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above or on earth beneath or in the waters under the earth. You shall not worship them nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, and showing mercy unto thousands of them that I love and keep my commandments.
3 - Do not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain: for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.
4 - Remember the Sabbath day to sanctify it. Six days you shall labor and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God. On that day thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates. For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea and everything in them, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day and hallowed it.
Are we taking time to take care of our spiritual life? How long have not talked with our God and creator?
We glorify our God, offering him the proper worship, worship, reading the Bible daily, going to church, praising and honoring our God of Love? We are dedicated to Him our Saturdays? We should not forget that the Sabbath is a day set aside and consecrated to the honor and glory of our Lord and creator.
Would we are not alone in worrying about things in the world, buying, working and always running back for more money? When we do not respect the Sabbath, when they stopped to stay with our God, the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit of God who are the great authors of our lives, we are rejecting the company's home and the blessings that the Holy Trinity in store for our lives.
One might ask:
What can I do on the Sabbath, the Sabbath?
You can:
Going to church; Read the Bible; Helping others; Meet with your family. Walking, talking ... Visiting a patient; Doing volunteer work and all that is for the honor and glory of our God and Creator.

5 - Honor thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.
We might ask ourselves: our fathers here on earth would be proud of what we are doing in our house, on the Internet, the club, the church, in our work or our school?
And our Father in Heaven? Does he approve of what we're doing with our lives? Is it what He wanted us to do. If so OK! If not, it's time to truly honor and glorify the Holy name of our God with our lives. Doing this, of course, our fathers here on earth there will also be happy to stay.
6 - Thou shalt not kill.
Are we not giving in to addiction and living in a completely wrong? Drinking, smoking, gambling, drugs, crime fill our lives with filth and they just bring to our lives split between ourselves and our God.
Our God has not made us to be slaves and not dependent on such things. People who do these things unclean are bringing to their lives too much sadness and frustration within himself choking the life and happiness which the Divine Trinity and gave us and the Lord Jesus Christ has redeemed and sanctified with his blood and life.
If it is an addiction, do an experiment. Spend a whole day just drinking water. Make a fast. Pray to God, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit of God and read the Bible. You will see that you are much larger than the vice that was enslaving you.
After a day without practicing the vice that was enslaving yourself you will clearly see the trap that the enemy has placed in your life. The devil is the father of lies he holds us with a very faint line and it still makes us think that we are trapped by strong currents. It looks like that little string that holds the energetic, strong and sturdy horse. Make that experience and you will see that with the help of the Lord Jesus Christ, you are much stronger than any addiction.
7 - Do not commit adultery.
Is that our relations are in agreement with the loyalty that our God has commanded us?
First we should note that our relations are in accordance with that faith that our God of love waiting for us. Are our relationships at school, at work, computer, internet, home, relationships are pleasing to our God, the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit of God?
We are putting our God first and only dedicated to him in worship and we are delivering or the abominable practices of false Gods, consulting spirits of the dead, leading a dissolute sexual life and against the laws of God and follow evil doctrines?
Are we being faithful to our God, our spouses and our superiors and we are betraying the great trust they have placed in us?
8 - Thou shalt not steal.
9 - Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
10 - Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is thy neighbor.
This commandment is of fundamental importance in depression. He has much relevance in the tables where we realize that people are being plagued by an overwhelming sense of frustration and devaluation. It is very common for someone to be sad and depressed for no wonder that that body, that house, that car, that family, that hair, that nose, that woman, man, that job ... And so it goes. It is not uncommon to see someone say that if you had this or that she would be happier. This is a great indicator of a person who is serious candidate to have depression or suffer a lot of frustration because it is a person who does not know how to appreciate and therefore does not accept and even appreciate what God Himself has given you. Your life.
The life of each one is unique. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. Before God, no one is better than anyone. We are all children of the same God. So we must accept and thank for our lives and everything we are. There is an old proverb that expresses it well:
"Happiness is wanting and everything that has"
God loves us. He gave us everything we need to be happy. Many can not accept that, but we are the result of what we seek for our lives. God has not made us to suffer. If now we are suffering because something is halfway gone wrong. So we must return to the original road to catch the right way and with Jesus, we go further forward and upward. It's like a wise old man said of football:
"Ball in the woods that the game is the championship"
It is not because I have more money, that woman, that job, that car, that appearance I will not be happy. I will always be unhappy when I do not accept what God has for my life.
We should not forget the Lord's Prayer says:
10 Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as in heaven, Matthew 6:10
When we do not accept anything in our lives we are just denying the plan that our loving God has done for our lives and for our salvation. We are not trusting in our creator. Who better than He who created us to know what is best for each one of us?
Therefore we must always be grateful to God for everything He gives us. When we proceed so he can make in our lives what he dreamed for us though this does disturb us. As a result, our happiness will be complete, since only our God of Love has the power to make us truly happy and eternally radiant.
Amen and Thank God.





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