The courage of Queen Esther - gospel messages of God's Word

The courage of Queen Esther Queen Esther, a humble woman and full of wisdom

The story of Esther in the Young is very striking features and the noble virtues that this servant of the Lord revealed to us. These virtues make the wisest women of God and pleasing to our Lord Almighty.

Among the many features and virtues that Queen Esther showed some stand out enough. They are: simplicity, humility, obedience, faith, courage, truth, gratitude and respect the laws and commandments of God. All this made a difference in both her life and in the lives of the people of God.

Even being in a very favorable, the blessed Queen Esther did not let himself be led by wealth, luxury and even arrogance. She tried to treat everyone with respect, dignity and simplicity. To occupy a high position in the reign of King Ahasuerus, who was also her husband, Queen Esther was supposed to be a woman proud and arrogant, but she does not let itself be dominated by the love of power and not the illusions of the world's wealth .

The simple and humble Queen Esther never forgot his God, his family, his people and not the teachings of his Lord that she had received the simple Mordecai, who was his stepfather. Some features of Queen Esther, in particular, call us a lot of attention because they did the noble Queen a very wise woman and blessed before his God, her husband, his family and his people. They are: courage, wisdom and faith.

Queen Esther was not afraid to intervene with the king Ahasuerus that he returned his attention to the great injustices and persecutions which his people were suffering.

At the risk of losing his own life, she prayed. She devoted herself and asked the lighting and the power of the Holy Spirit of God. After praying and be armed with the wisdom and the strength of the Lord, she stepped back and, with great faith in God, she went ahead and did what was necessary in order to save his people.

Interestingly, as the method which the wise young Queen Esther approached the king Ahasuerus. At no time she was not arrogant, not aggressive, not violent, did not speak evil, lying, or slandered, did not despair, was calm, was considered, the best time and wait time to speak, spoke wisely and with education and, especially, was very simple and humble in his ways.

All this contributed greatly to the king, moved by the Spirit of God, and humility and justice of the Queen, the whole situation changed in favor of the Jewish people.

Because of the courage and humility of Queen Esther, the story that was previously taken by injustice and persecution, was transformed into a story of justice, truth and freedom.

Amen and Thank God.





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